Bobby Dazzler is my latest abstract oil star painting, created using the same colour pallete as Leap of Faith from my cloud collection. Jade green, blue and neutral tones once again mingle with purples and violet creating this intergalactic treat. Guaranteed to take your walls to a new dimension! Painted using bold brush stroaks coated with textured beams of light created using the edge of a credit card.
Ever since I was little I have been fascinated with space. I love sitting outside looking up at the stars, allowing my eyes to adjust , taking in all the night sparkles as they appear one by one. Even though I’m known to be a freezer, the cold doesn’t seem to bother me. I find it very calming and at the same time exciting, especially when the moon makes an appearence.
We’ve recently upgraded our telescope, although we’ve not had much luck with the weather since it arrived, and when it has been dry, we’ve been too tired to stay up (no late nights for us anymore with a baby at home). Anyway, the plan is to get out more and get inspired by the night sky to paint even more Bobby Dazzlers.
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