Growing my wildflower painting collection

Oh what a wonderful creative year I’ve been having so far! I’ve discovered a passion for painting wildflowers and spent hours and hours developing my technique. I’m taking my 20 something years of creative abstract goodness and mixing it up with my funky wildflower signature style.

As mentioned previously in the about me page, I’ve a degree in illustration which to be honest I never really did anything with. During my time at university I was introduced to numerous contemporary artists whose work transformed my opinion of modern art allowing me to fully appreciate colour and form. Over the years I focused on creating abstract oil paintings, loosening up my style and exploring texture as opposed to being precise and neat.  I created vibrant drip paintings, abstract florals, dramatic cloud paintings and enchanting star paintings.

My latest wildflower oil paintings are a step away from my previous floral style which were created solely using my drip technique. Even though my drip paintings are full of movement and texture I wanted my new paintings to feel messy, alive and as realistic as possible whilst maintaining an abstract vibe. I guess moving towards abstract expressionism.

In an amusing turn of events, combining my drip technique with wild movements, rough floral outlines and incorporating some detail has altered my desired abstract expressionist style to become somewhat illustrative. My floral art is growing within its very own circle of life! Neat huh!

#Wildflowerpainting #floralart #illustrativeflorals #wildflowerdrippainting

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