Rent my Art


I’m thrilled to announce you can now also rent my art, the perfect option to brighten up your home or work place and keep your walls an interesting topic for conversation.

Now If you’ve read the about me section, you will know that as well as having a degree in illustration and a passion for art, I also have an environmental management degree and a masters in environmental design of buildings both of which have taught me about sustainable living and to embrace ways to reduce my carbon footprint.  I believe one way we could all do this is by choosing our purchases more wisely.  Many of us are guilty of making purchases then a few years later throwing away perfectly good items during a clear out or make over, all of which end up in landfills. Latest trends, and “keeping up with the Jones’s” puts pressure on society to follow suit.

Renting original paintings not only provides you with quality artwork to appreciate, but also allows you update your walls regularly whilst reducing your carbon footprint in the process. It’s a win win situation! Rent and go green! (or which ever colour is trending next of course!)


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